17th, 18th November 2022, 2nd transnational project meeting, Granada (Spain)
The meeting has been an opportunity for the participants and their respective
organizations to share the outcomes of the performed research and needs assessment
activities towards the identification and exchange of good practices having focused,
among others, on the following: - level of engagement of Partners’ in relation to
improving Resilience within their strategies, operations and educational provisions, either
in connection to art ... (download press release)
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
23 May 2022, kick-off meeting, Ascoli Piceno (Italy)
The in-person kick-off meeting, held on 23rd of May 2022, was the occasion to get
started with the exchange of good practices on the following themes:
- major concrete challenges and opportunities Partner Organizations are facing, as a
consequence of the covid pandemic; - how “resilience literacy” can be useful to
reorient pre-service and in-service training of educators; - current state-of-the-art within
as regards equipping the staff at all levels towards upskilling paths, in connection to
environmental sustainability and art. (download press release)
2nd, 3rd February 2023, 3nd and final transnational project meeting, Athens (Greece)
The following topic were exlpored: - national and/or local cultural and or policy
frameworks as regards connecting environmental sustainability to art/culture; - existing
practices using local folklore, myths, characters, legends as drivers towards the
activation of resilience... (download press release)
Sustainability as the art ... of resilience

email: tenforsustainability@gmail.com
Project number: 2021-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000034020