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Boosting lifelong learning awareness of European Green Deal

Project number: 2022-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000082377
15 July 2023, 2nd transnational project meeting, Brussels (Belgium)
The second project meeting was held on 15th July 2023 in Brussels (Belgium); as a
follow-up to the previous training session, within the project’s scope of empowering
partner organizations as regards the delivering of the European Green Deal, the
Partners have moved forward in building their capacities, sharing good practices as
- Research and needs assessment in relation to increasing the participation of adult
learners, their proficiency and improve their overall wellbeing, in connection to the EU
Green Deal in particular... (download press release)
21 January 2023, kick-off meeting, Ascoli Piceno (Italy)
The in-person kick-off meeting, held on 21st January 2023, has been an opportunity to
assess the state-of-the-art as regarded: - the awareness of Partners of the EU Green
Deal; - their level of alignment to the delivering of the EU Green Deal; - their needs in
terms of skills development, toolsets. Furthermore, during the meeting good practices
were exchanged related to the following themes specifically within the perspective of
partners: “Transforming our economy and societies”, “Making transport sustainable for
all”, “Leading the third industrial revolution”, “Cleaning our energy system”,
“Renovating buildings for greener lifestyles”, “Working with nature to protect our planet
and health”, “Boosting global climate action”.art. (download press release)
21 October 2023, 3rd transnational project meeting, Bucharest (Romania)
The third project meeting was held on 21st October 2023 in Bucharest (Romania); as a
follow-up to the previous training session, within the project’s scope of empowering
partner organizations as regards the delivering of the European Green Deal, the
Partners have moved forward in building their capacities, sharing good practices
through research and needs assessment, identification and exchange of good
practices based on the following EU Green Deal pillars: “Making transport sustainable
for all”, “Leading the third industrial revolution” and “Cleaning our energy system”,
especially in the perspective of developing new pedagogies for community building
and education in environmentally affected or remote and protected areas
(download press release)
Copyright Ten For Sustainability