The context and the objectives:
- the project aims to developing knowledge and skills in order to:
- favor the alignment of their operations and strategies to the delivery of the EU
Green Deal, bringing bottom-up contribution in making EU climate neutral,
while also making the adult education domain fit to meet this challenge in a
fair, cost effective and competitive way;
- to raise the awareness of the recipients of their learning provisions as regards
the potential to transform our societies and economy through the EU Green
Deal to enable behavioural changes for individual preferences, cultural values,
supporting active engagement for sustainable development;
- to reinforce the capacities of trainers/teachers as regards concrete actions
The project participants will physically meet to exchange those
good practices which may favor a smooth acquisition
of knowledge related to the EU Green Deal and corresponding
development of skills, to support the design and introduction of
innovative pedagogies, sharing the view that the roadmap towards
the accomplishment of environmental sustainable societies
and economies, through the successful implementation of the EU
Green Deal will be an incremental stage process.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
Boosting lifelong learning awareness of European Green Deal

Project number: 2022-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000082377
The project "Boosting lifelong learning
awareness of European Green Deal"
is born out of the need to identify and exchange good practices
to empower the Partners in bringing their contribution to  the
delivering of the EU Green Deal. The partnership will focus on the
exchange of those good practice useful to reorient pre-service
and in-service training to include essentials of
the EU Green Deal literacy towards a sustainable, resilient future