Ten for Sustainability...ten pillars for sustainability

Region Le Marche, central Italy, Italy

Project number: 2022-1-IT02-KA122-ADU-000073955
Copyright Ten For Sustainability 2023
Mobility news:
"Sustainability from Europe to community and around"
A delegation of five staff members from within the Italian not-for-
profit organization Ten for Sustainability, reached Bruxelles to attend
the Erasmus+ KA1 structured training course “Sustainability from
Europe to community and around”, held by KI AN Ente europeo di
sviluppo e cultura Asbl, acting as hosting partner organization, from
June 21st up to June 27th 2023.
The training was part of the Erasmus+ short-term projects for mobility
of staff in adult education titled "Sustainability from Europe to
community and around", aiming to support the personal and
professional development of Ten for Sustainability’s staff in order to
innovate and improve the quality of its training and awareness
provisions to citizens, communities, institutions, companies and other
actors of societies, to Acquire direct knowledge on European
Institutions and their functioning especially as regards their role in the
adoption of the environmental sustainability agenda for the future
as a learning experience.
This learning mobility of individuals has started on the 1st of July 2022
and ended on the 30th of June 2023, built around the participation
of five members of Ten For Sustainability’s staff to a structured
training course in Brussels, rooted on the following:
-to frame local actions to a broader context, favoring the creation
of a European perspective to lifelong learning activities;
-to support trainers/learners in developing a European perspectives
when engaged in societal and personal challenges;
-to gain awareness as regards unity and solidarity in facing common
threats such as climate change and its negative impacts.
During the training course, the participants have visited the
following EU institutions and symbols headquartered in Brussels:
Parlamentarium; European Parliament, House of European history,
Citizens Garden, Berlin Wall, Station Europe.

Dowload the press release of the mobility in Bruxelles.
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